What Are Research Chemicals?
Cheap JWH-250 online for sale with overnight delivery.Research chemicals are substances which are use recreationally by people seeking to alter their moods and get high.1 Research chemicals (RC’s) are dangerous and do not have a legitimate or legal purpose for the general public. Despite the name, research chemicals are not chemicals use in scientific research. In the context of substance abuse, research chemicals are poorly understood and can be very dangerous. While MDMA is not a research chemical, some of these substances are associate with MDMA-like effects when ingest. Find out more about research chemicals in this scientific article.

In medical and scientific research, as outline by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there are chemicals that can be use for research purposes, to develop new pharmaceutical remedies or investigate the effects of specific molecules.2 However, research chemicals used to get high are a different type of substance altogether.3
These substances are develop in a lab
and frequently have mechanisms of action or effects that mimic those of other abused substances such as marijuana, opioids, or cocaine. These drugs are then sold to people with little understanding of their chemical constituents or actual effects for the mere purpose of recreational use. Although the chemicals may have once derived from legitimate chemical research, the term research chemicals is misleading and hides how dangerous these psychoactive substances can be.1
In their legitimate scientific form, research chemicals are just that—new chemicals in the research stage of development, so they come with hypotheses about their potential uses but little in terms of controlled studies and probable health risks. Chemical formulas are obtaine by copying publicly published research; the structure is replicate and then mass-produce and sold, typically through online vendors.4 Some vendors are selling research chemicals on social media apps, such as Instagram and Snapchat.5
Research Chemical Laws
Research chemicals are commonly classified as synthetic drugs for legal and regulatory purposes. Synthetics are a broad grouping of drugs which include MDMA (ecstasy), ketamine, synthetic cathinones (bath salts), and synthetic cannabinoids (Spice and K2). Many agencies refer to these drugs as new psychoactive substances (NPS), as they are all manufacture in laboratory settings, and many of them have legal analogues that were develope specifically to bypass drug enforcement laws.1 Often, the packaging for these products has the warning label: not for human consumption.
In the US, state and federal drug laws currently outlaw specific molecules or chemical structures, but research chemical manufacturers attempt to bypass these laws by changing the structure of the drug as new laws are pass. This makes research chemicals even more unpredictable and dangerous; just because one batch led to a stimulant-like high, the next batch will not necessarily do the same thing. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime stated in 2018, that most NPS report around the world were either a combination of previously report NPS or slightly altered versions of previously report chemicals.6 A total of 478 different NPS were identify as being on the drug market as of 2017.
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